How Long, O Lord? Revelation 6:1-17 - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Is it just me, or have the news headlines been especially alarming lately?
Last week, we learned that the earth is the hottest it has been in recorded history. A massive wildfire broke out on the Hawaiian island of Maui, and the inferno has become so intense, that people have jumped into the ocean to escape the flames.
Meanwhile, inflation keeps driving up the cost of life’s necessities. Hate crimes and mass shootings are a daily occurrence. Politicians and the media continue pushing our country towards Civil War. Tensions among the world’s superpowers grow hotter by the day.
To me, it seems like the prophecies of Revelation are being fulfilled right before our eyes; like Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on the loose.
- The white horseman rides off in conquest, just like Putin sent off his armies to conquer Ukraine.
- The red horseman steals peace from the earth, so that people slaughter one another.
- The black horse rides off to wreck the economy. Food and other necessities become so expensive that most people can’t afford them, but the rich can still afford their luxuries.
- The pale green horse’s name is Death, and is joined by hell, and they are given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.
What I want to know is, why does God allow the four horsemen to wreak such mass destruction and death? Haven’t we been through enough already? How much worse must it get before Jesus returns?
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Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash |
It’s important to remember that these horsemen are not God’s servants. War and empires are creations of man. So is economic injustice and exploitation. And whenever natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and famines occur, mankind has a way of increasing human suffering through fraud and corruption.
Nevertheless, God uses the horsemen to expose the gods of this world for the frauds that they are. Empires can create great wealth and prosperity (for some). But nothing created by man will last forever.
What’s more is that God does not take an active role in destroying evildoers. In Revelation, evil destroys itself. Empires, economies, and societies built on a foundation of oppression and violence are unable to hold themselves together. They collapse under their own weight.
We are blessed to live in a free and prosperous country. Here, we live in peace and relative safety. But nothing created by man will last forever. For as much as we desire health, financial security, successful careers, nice homes, and comfortable lifestyles, none of these things are guaranteed in life. They may make you happy, but they cannot make you invulnerable to time, to chance, and to mortality. If you don’t have Jesus, you don’t have anything.
Be warned: the world we live in is bound to become more chaotic and dangerous than it is now. No one will get a free pass from the ordeals that are to come.
One recurring theme throughout the Book of Revelation is that while catastrophic events occur and evildoers commit unspeakable acts of violence, the cries of the innocent are heard in heaven. So many of God’s people have died and will die for righteousness’s sake. But God never abandons his people. God shelters them beneath his altar and gives each a white robe they will wear when God’s victory is complete.
Just the same, God’s Spirit strengthens those who are alive to remain steadfast in faith.
As empires fall, as our castles crumble, as our illusions of invincibility are shattered, God acts relentlessly, through the Church, to call people to salvation. As we move ever closer to the end, God’s saving power will be evident in people like you who refuse to be silent about Jesus Christ. People are going to see how much they need God when everything else is falling apart. People will be drawn to the hope and love we have in Christ. People will grow so tired of evil that they will crave righteousness like water in the desert.
Jesus said that he will not return until the Gospel is proclaimed to all the nations. As our world becomes more chaotic and dangerous, God is going to be adding to the grace we receive through faith so that our witness grows ever stronger. God will always provide us ways to meet the needs of our neighbors with love and compassion, especially in times of turmoil. There will always be opportunities for us to call out injustice and defend God’s children against oppression and exploitation.
As the Body of Christ, we don’t hide out from a chaotic world. We go out with boldness and confidence. When evildoers do their worst, we will be at our best.
Therefore, the burning question for us isn’t “what disasters are going to happen and when?”, but “what will our witness be when they do?”
We will not escape these great ordeals. But the cross teaches us that when anyone suffers, Jesus suffers with them. God’s power is made perfect in suffering. Instead of worrying about how bad things may get, ground yourself in God’s promises, so that you are prepared when all these things come to pass. When voices call out to you to take up arms and fight, may you choose peace. As hate spreads like wildfire, may you fight it with love. When the gods of this world promise wealth, power, and pleasure, tell them NO, and trust Jesus.
At the same time I saw the Lamb open the first of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures shout with a voice like thunder. It said, “Come out!” 2 Then I saw a white horse. Its rider carried a bow and was given a crown. He had already won some victories, and he went out to win more.
3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come out!” 4 Then another horse came out. It was fiery red. And its rider was given the power to take away all peace from the earth, so people would slaughter one another. He was also given a big sword.
5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come out!” Then I saw a black horse, and its rider had a balance scale in one hand. 6 I heard what sounded like a voice from somewhere among the four living creatures. It said, “A liter of wheat will cost you a whole day's wages! Three liters of barley will cost you a day's wages too. But don't ruin the olive oil or the wine.”
7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come out!” 8 Then I saw a pale green horse. Its rider was named Death, and Death's Kingdom followed close behind. They were given power over one fourth of the earth, and they could kill its people with swords, famines, diseases, and wild animals.
9 When the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of everyone who had been killed for speaking God's message and telling about their faith. 10 They shouted, “Master, you are holy and faithful! How long will it be before you judge and punish the people of this earth who killed us?”
11 Then each of those who had been killed was given a white robe and told to rest for a little while. They had to wait until the complete number of the Lord's other servants and followers would be killed.
12 When I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, I looked and saw a great earthquake. The sun turned as dark as sackcloth, and the moon became red as blood. 13 The stars in the sky fell to earth, just like figs shaken loose by a windstorm. 14 Then the sky was rolled up like a scroll, and all mountains and islands were moved from their places.
15 The kings of the earth, its famous people, and its military leaders hid in caves or behind rocks on the mountains. They hid there together with the rich and the powerful and with all the slaves and free people. 16 Then they shouted to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us! Hide us from the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb. 17 That terrible day has come! God and the Lamb will show their anger, and who can face it?”
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