Rescued on the Road: Luke 10:25-37 - First Sunday in Lent
They called it “The Blood Road.” This was an infamous segment of the road connecting Jerusalem to Jericho. It got its name from the red rocks that are found there, but also due to how much blood was shed there. The many rocks, deep canyons, and steep cliffs provided many hiding places for bandits to hide before attacking solitary, vulnerable travelers. St. George Orthodox Monastery in Wadi Qelt by Catholic Church England and Wales on flickr. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Every Judean would’ve known about this road, even if they never traveled it, including the expert in the law questioning Jesus in our Gospel for today. He asks, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Click here to read the Scripture text This is kind of a strange question. Inheritances aren’t typically earned. You can only inherit something if someone else decides you should have it. There are some who will employ unethical means to gain an inheritance. But this person wasn’t asking Jesus because he was uns...