The Relationship Refuge ~ Matthew 25:31-46 ~ Christ the King Sunday

Photo courtesy of 'africa' /

Brace yourself—Black Friday is this week.

This week, I read that Americans are expected to hit the stores and spend in excess of $600 billion on their holiday shopping.  This most certainly begs the question—what will that staggering amount of money be buying?

Even as we’re spending more money on gifts, we’re becoming more and more isolated from each other.  People are spending less and less time together, as families, as friends and neighbors, even as Christians—while each person goes off and does their own thing…

And with our lives being so hectic and busy already, it is very easy to go and buy things rather than giving ourselves.  Sometimes, it’s easier to invest in stuff than to invest in relationships…

While we spend over $600 billion on Christmas, I also read that it costs only $25 for a family of five in an under-developed country to have access to clean drinking water for one year. 

This is definitely something to think about as Jesus teaches us that all humanity will be judged in accordance with how they care for the poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged.  Immediately, his words may strike our hearts with great anxiety.  But we cannot miss the incredible promise here—whatever you do for the least, you do for Jesus.  And because you are baptized into the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit is already working through you to care for your neighbors in need.  You’re already making a difference—whether you realize it or not.

Yet, Jesus continues to invite you to do even more to serve—because you meet him in relationships through which love is freely given and freely received.  As a child of God, the greatest gift you can give to someone is not the gift with the biggest price tag.  The greatest gift you can give is you.  The gift of being present is priceless, especially in the world we’re living in.  There is nothing you can buy that can replace a listening ear; a warm smile; a compassionate heart; a helping hand.  For a neighbor in need, a relationship is a gift of hope—because you’re not alone.  When there is hope, there is healing. 

Granted, there will always be wonderful opportunities to bless people we’ll never meet.  The Jesse Tree; Heifer International, ELCA Good Gifts; the gifts we’ll be giving to nursing home patients—these are wonderful ways that we can show forth Jesus’ love.  But one of the greatest gifts you can give is yourself. 

Life right now is so very difficult for so many—but Jesus speaks a great promise to us today.  A relationship of love is the gift of hope.  We truly can live in anticipation of his final victory, when he comes to rule over all creation.  So don’t be afraid to love a stranger.  Don’t be afraid to give yourself.  Don’t let the devil tell you “you don’t have time;” “you can’t make a difference;” or “they don’t deserve your help.”  When a child of God goes and serves a neighbor in need, Christ is born in that relationship.  Healing begins.  Peace and joy hope come alive.  You will be blessed in your giving.

