Pass it On! ~ John 20:19-23 ~ May 29, 2011

Every Sunday during our worship we greet one another with the words "peace be with you."

When we do this, we aren't just saying "hello." We're preaching the Gospel to one another with the very first words Jesus spoke to his disciples after his resurrection.

We have peace because God defeated death by raising Jesus Christ from the dead. Death is no longer our end, but a gateway to an eternal communion with God and all of the saints of Christ's redeeming.

We have peace because God forgives us of our sin. We are no longer enemies of God, but beloved daughters and sons who are redeemed through the cross of Jesus Christ.

We have peace because we have been drawn into a relationship with God by the Holy Spirit. God is not a distant stranger. God is with us in the risen and living Christ.

We have peace because Christ reigns over this world. Even as life brings us suffering and hardship, God is in control. Jesus is healing this world. He is making God’s peace a reality for all creation.

No single word can describe God’s will for God’s creation quite like the word "peace." As we receive Christ’s peace, we are sent to pass it on to a world in desperate need.
· When we forgive others their sins, we pass on God’s peace…
· When we share ourselves and our treasures with the poor, we pass on God’s peace …
· When we love our neighbors as ourselves, we pass on God’s peace…

As you share God’s peace with one another today, remember that this is the life you are called to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. From Jesus Christ we receive the peace of God that passes understanding—a peace for us to pass on to others.
